“Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

—2 Cor. 2:11-12

Dear Christian…

Satan is a master of distraction and confusion. One of his fiery darts is to get Christians focused upon other things rather than their main responsibility and calling as followers of Christ. These other things are not unimportant, just not most important in priority. When Satan is successful at getting our focus upon these other things, we expend all our time and energy on them and have no strength or zeal to engage in our most important priority. Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6:33). We must not be ignorant of Satan’s devices of distraction and confusion. We must resist him steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:9).

Therefore, stay focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep reading your Bible. Remain faithful in prayer. Train up your children in God’s Word. Meditate on God’s promises. Forgive one another. Encourage and stir up other believers to love and good works. Disciple one another. Love each other, love your neighbor, and love those who hate you by telling them about Jesus. Do good to all men but especially the household of faith (Gal. 6:9-10). Keep evangelizing the lost people the Lord brings into your circle of influence. Keep pressing forward in the work of Christ’s kingdom for God’s glory and the good of Christ’s church. Keep focused, dear ones, on the Lord Jesus Christ (Heb. 12:2-3) so you do not become weary, discouraged, distracted, or confused by Satan’s tactics.

—Pastor S. Henry