“Always seek ways of doing good to one another and to all people.”

—1 Thessalonians 5:15

“Not only must we find ways to do good to our fellow Christians, but also to unbelievers. This exhortation follows hard upon a prohibition of returning evil for evil. The operative word, of course, is “seek.” We are not only to do good when the occasion arises but are to actively seek (figure out) ways of doing it. Taking the initiative in acts of thoughtfulness and kindness must characterize your life. If you are living only a responsive life, that is not enough. You must become proactive, conceiving, and initiating courses of action aimed at securing the welfare of others. If the concept of initiating “ways of doing good” for others is foreign to your thinking, this verse ought to enlighten you. It’s time to give the notion some serious thought. Doing so may involve a paradigm shift of a major order. But if so, all the better. Give it some thought; but thinking isn’t enough either. Thought must be transformed into action. Why not begin today by making at least one small effort to obey this command.”

—Dr. Jay Adams