My Father and My God,

Thank You for who You are, for what You have done, and for what You continue to do!

You uphold all things by the Word of Your power.

You are the sovereign LORD over everything You have created!

You govern all things to the particular end that You have ordained.

Thank You for redemption, forgiveness, justification, adoption, sanctification, and future glorification!

Thank You for Jesus, my Redeemer!

I praise You, dear Father, that You “raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification” (Rom. 4:23-24).

Thank You Holy Spirit, my Sanctifier. You are the One Who molds and shapes all Christians into Christ’s glorious image!

Thank You for Your blessed Word, the very means You use to make all believers like Jesus!

Bless Your people this day as we gather on this Lord’s Day to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus our Lord from the dead, which we do every Lord’s Day!

Redeem those who don’t know You.

Regenerate souls as they make their way to congregations all around the world this particular Lord’s Day.

Redeem sinners. Sanctify saints. Be glorified in the assembly of the saints.

Cause Your glory to be manifest through the preaching of Your Word!

Bless all preachers to faithfully preach Your holy Word!

Thank You, Father, for Your forgiveness, which is granted as a result of Jesus’ work!

Thank You that when I confess my sins to You that You are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Father, I confess that I have broken all Your commandments. I have kept none of them.

Christ alone has fulfilled the Laws demands, and He did so in the place of His people, even in my place! What a glorious wonder!

Thank You, Jesus! I have absolutely no hope apart from Your law-abiding life and sin-atoning death.

You are my righteousness, holiness, and perfect satisfaction!

You have made me acceptable to the Father by Your perfect work.

Thank You, Jesus, for Your love, kindness, care, compassion, faithfulness, and wisdom!

You are long-suffering! You are merciful! You are gracious! Yet You are just, holy, and righteous!

Father, I love You! You know that I love You for You are omniscient.

You have implanted Your love in my heart by Your Holy Spirit (Rom. 5).

Sadly, my love for You and for others is not what it ought to be. It’s weak, sinful, and fragile!

I fail to love You with my whole heart, and I fail miserably!

But praise Jesus that He never failed to love You with His whole heart, soul, mind, and strength on behalf of His people.

Heavenly Father, increase my love for You! Increase my love for Jesus! Increase my love for the Holy Spirit! Increase my love for the church! Increase my love for my brothers and sisters in Christ, my neighbors, and even my enemies!

O Father, I need You every moment of every day! Help me! I am weak, sinful, broken, and frail … strengthen me!

Thank You for imputing Christ’s righteousness to me and to all the sheep of Your pasture in exchange for all our sins!

What Amazing grace of Jesus! “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! For once I was lost but now I am found, I was blind but now I see.”

Strengthen me, dear Father, by Your Word and Spirit so that I may be sold out for Jesus!

“That if I live, I live to the Lord; and if I die, I die to the Lord. Therefore, whether I live or die, I am the Lord’s” (Rom. 14:8).

As C.T. Studd once wrote, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

Cause me to decrease and Christ to increase in me … in all my thoughts, words, and actions.

May I be blessed by Your hand to honor and glorify Jesus in all my words and works.

Lord, lift me up when I sin and keep me humble when I obey!

Keep me from depression and anxiety. Keep me walking in holiness for Your glory!

Cause the “Joy of the Lord to be my strength!” (Nehemiah 8:10)

I ask all this in Jesus’ holy and precious name!
