For the Christian, gathering in fellowship should never be considered a chore or a begrudged obligation. Instead, meeting together to serve God and others in the ways we’ve been gifted is a glorious privilege. It’s something that the Lord has designed for us to do for eternity.
There are times when our hearts grumble at the prospect of gathering again. There are times when we refrain from serving because we cherish the lack of responsibility. There are times when we participate in fellowship with the wrong motivations, judging others for not doing what we’re doing. These thoughts are foolish at best and evil at worst.
The body of Christ has been designed to live and move. Each member is placed into the body by the Father’s choice (1 Corinthians 1:30), through the Son’s blood (Romans 5:9), with the Spirit’s equipping (1 Corinthians 12:11). The intention of our triune God is for us to participate in the fellowship, showing each other and the world that we belong to Him (John 13:34, cf. 1 John 2:19).
Christians in the first century met every day, seeking to blend their lives together as much as possible. Christians in China and North Korea today risk their lives to meet as frequently as they can, deeply desiring the encouragement that comes from being with other believers. These Christians understand what it means to cherish the fellowship. They’re not disappointed at the thought of gathering again–they’re willing to risk it all in order to do it. They understand that “church” is not an item on the calendar; rather, it’s the body of Christ that operates 24/7/365.
Let us be spurred on to this fellowship even as we see the Day drawing near.
—Jeremy Howard