*We gather deliberately on this day, the Lord’s Day, for corporate worship.

*We gather to honor the Lord by hearing and bowing to His Word.

*We gather to cast our cares upon Him in prayer.

*We gather to sing the glory of His name.

*We gather to give ourselves to the Lord.

*We gather to give tithes and offerings for Christ’s kingdom.

*We gather to demonstrate that the Lord owns us, our time, our ways, and all that we possess. As David wrote, “My times are in Your hands” (Psalm 31:15).

*We gather to fellowship with the Triune Godhead, the saints in glory, and the saints on earth.

*We gather to sing God’s glory and praise.

*We gather to confess His name, His Majesty, His Glory, His Lordship, and His Saviorhood.

*We gather to receive blessings from the Lord as He feeds, nourishes, and comforts His sheep.

*We gather for the glory of God, as the Apostle Paul wrote, “Do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31).

*We gather to praise the name of Jesus by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and this is well pleasing to the Father! “That all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him” (John 5:23).