“LORD, help me to no longer err by seeking to clothe myself by my own merits, for I see now that my righteousness is only filthy rags, and I am heartily glad to be rid of them. Clothe me, I beg you, with the righteousness of Christ.”
—CH Spurgeon
“O LORD, I am prone to depart from you, and given to lukewarmness and indifference when I ought to have holy zeal. My temptations are many, I often yield to them; I have no strength of my own to resist them. I beseech you therefore, O my God, to be very merciful to me, a sinner. Incline and enable me to come to Jesus Christ, weary and heavy laden as I am, to find rest in Him. Teach me my own guilt and ruin; and help me to rely on His blood, and build all my hopes on His righteousness. O grant that, being engrafted into Christ, I may live to Him.”
—Isaac Watts