“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).
When it comes to religion, most people in our society think there are many roads leading to heaven. They say if a person is sincere and lives a moral life then surely they’ll go to heaven … no matter what they believe. But our text teaches there’s only one way to heaven, and anyone who teaches any other way is a liar who is deceived by Satan. Scripture teaches only one way to be saved from the guilt and consequences of our sin and that way is the person & work of Jesus Christ alone! Only by the love and grace of God raising sinners up from spiritual death and uniting them to Jesus Christ is there salvation.
Do you believe Christ is the only way to heaven or do you think there’s more than one way of salvation? Do you think if a man is faithful and sincere in what he believes, no matter what it may be, that he will be saved? Sadly, many church members think this is the case. Too many people, who profess to be Christians, say foolish things like, “Oh, yes, Christ saves, but let’s not be unloving by saying Christ is the only way to heaven. That would mean all other faiths are condemned.” You see, the gospel of Jesus Christ will be tolerated by most people if it’s presented as one way among many. But when it’s proclaimed as the only way, the exclusive way, then it becomes offensive to a pluralistic society.
However, is it a loving thing to tell people there are many roads to heaven, and if they’re sincere and do their best then God will accept them? No, it’s unloving because it’s a lie, and love always rejoices in the TRUTH!! (1 Cor. 13:6). Our text is very clear … apart from true faith in Jesus Christ you will perish! Jesus doesn’t say He is one way among many … No! He says He is THE ONLY WAY a sinner can come to the Father. Our text teaches there is salvation only in Jesus Christ! There is no salvation in the superstitions, philosophies or man-made religions that abound in our world. All other beliefs apart from true faith in Jesus Christ are doctrines of demons sent among men to deceive, and the ONLY loving thing a Christian can do is boldly and loudly proclaim the truth that Jesus is THE way, THE truth, and THE life, and that NO ONE comes to the Father except through HIM! (John 14:6). As we read in Acts 4:12: “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved.” Be faithful in your Christian witness to say what God has said in His Word and let the chips fall where they may.