“I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the LORD.”
—Psalm 122:1

DO YOU experience the same joy as the psalmist in going to the house of the Lord? Is the Lord’s Day a delight to you? Do you look forward to gathering in corporate worship with other believers? Our text demonstrates that when a person is truly made a child of God, he will delight to gather to worship the Lord with the people of God.

DAVID, THE writer of this Psalm, was in exile many times as he was being pursued by King Saul and even his own son Absalom. Because of this, David was deprived many times during his life from going up to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem to worship. So, when he hears the invitation, “Let us go up into the house of the Lord”, he’s overjoyed. Notice the invitation is not, “You go,” but “Let us go.” David meets another believer, and what a joy it is for him to hear another person expressing the same desire to worship the Lord. David was glad to be invited to public worship. He didn’t say, “I have something better to do.” Rather, he rejoiced to join other believers who were going to the house of God to praise the Lord.

ONE OF the marks of a true believer is a delight for corporate worship. A true believer rejoices to go to the house of the Lord. What about you? Do you wake up on the Lord’s Day rejoicing to go to worship, or is it just out of habit or routine that you go? Is it a burden to you? Would you rather stay home and sleep or watch TV? Do you rejoice as David did or do you grumble and say, “Do we have to go to worship again? The service takes so long! I would rather go to the ballgame or watch it on TV.”

WHAT YOU do on the Lord’s Day reveals what’s going on in your soul. And if you would rather be some other place when the people of God gather for public worship then your heart is not right before God. You need to repent and ask God to forgive you and strengthen your weak, immature faith. You see, by God’s grace we are the children of God. And as children of God, we are those being conformed into the image of Christ, and Christ was never burdened by worship! He was never burdened to hear the Word of God! Therefore, as believers, we should delight more and more in the worship of God by hearing His Word on the Lord’s Day, singing songs of praise and thanksgiving to Him, partaking of the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper, coming before the Lord in prayer, and diligently fellowshipping with other believers. Our words should be those of the psalmist, “I was glad when they said to me, let us go into the house of the LORD.”

Friday Devotional: January 3, 2025
In Christ,
Pastor S. Henry