Criticizing The Pastor And Elders

“Recognize those who labor among you and manage you in the Lord.”

—1 Thessalonians 5:12

“It’s easy to criticize the pastor and elders of your church. They are in a position of authority and eminence. But, consider: they “labor” at the task of ruling (“managing”) your congregation. That is not an easy task (Paul’s choice of the strong word “labor” emphasizes that). This fact can be easily forgotten. So, the Apostle Paul urges members of the church to “think quite highly of them” because of “their work” (vs. 13). When they do their work conscientiously it is nothing less than “labor” (much of which is done behind the scenes so that it cannot be readily appreciated). They deserve recognition. The eldership is, in itself, difficult because the task often involves dealing with difficult people. Add to that the work of teaching and preaching, the additional tasks of a pastor (who also rules), and you have strenuous work! Pray for those who labor among you; they bear a heavy burden and need your prayers. And, by the way, when was the last time you expressed appreciation to any of the elders of your church for their efforts?”

~Dr. Jay Adams