O LORD, You are the Sovereign of this universe: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, ruling and reigning according to Your good pleasure and purpose. You are majestic in holiness, awesome in power, and infinite in knowledge. I am humbled that You are mindful of me, even as David declared in Psalm 8, “What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?”
You have regenerated me, redeemed me, reconciled me, forgiven me, cleansed me, washed me, adopted me, justified me, and are sanctifying me, and You alone provide me with all things necessary for life and godliness. I know that all I have need of You provide because You are my Good Shepherd Who cares for His sheep. You have taken me off the broad road that leads to destruction and set my feet upon the narrow road that leads to life. You, O Father, have planted my feet upon the Rock, Christ Jesus!
Holy Spirit, You have caused me to know and believe Your truth and have blessed me with the godly desire to continually reject the lies of Satan, sin, and this fallen world, which is under Satan’s rule. You continue Your work of sanctification, which is making me more and more like Jesus! Continue, Holy Spirit! Make me, mold me, fashion me after Christ’s image.
Heavenly Father, You continually teach me Your truth and reveal Yourself to me more and more as You cause me to grow in the likeness of Your beloved Son and my wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. You cause me to walk in wisdom. You humble me in Your sight. You teach me to love You, Your Word, my brothers and sisters in Christ, my neighbors, and even my enemies.
Father, I confess that I am not worthy of the least of Your blessings and truth. I am sinful, needy, helpless, and hopeless apart from Your grace in Jesus Christ! In and of myself, I am only worthy of damnation for I have broken all Your commandments. Yet in a gracious wonder, I don’t stand before You in and of myself but I am in Jesus Christ, united to Him forever and covered and clothed by His righteousness, holiness, and perfect satisfaction. Therefore, You love me for the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the One Who has fulfilled all the righteous requirements of Your Law in my place. Christ is the One who went to the cross and suffered for all my sins, the One Who was condemned in my place and on my behalf. He arose from the dead, which declared, O Father, that You have received His atoning work on my behalf and also on behalf of all that You gave to Christ. Thank You, Lord Jesus! You are my glorious, wondrous, awesome Savior!
Because of Your person and work, Lord Jesus, I can declare that I am eternally forgiven, eternally blessed, forever loved by God, cared for, have everlasting life, am washed, am adopted into the family of God, and have my name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life all because of You, Lord Jesus! Oh, how I love You! Lord Jesus, I am humbled by Your love, grace, mercy, and Your sustaining and transforming work of sanctification. For all of the sheep of Your pasture, You have “become for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30).
I am forever thankful that You loved me from before the foundation of the world, You love me now, and continually provide for me and have promised to never leave me nor forsake me! (Heb. 13:5). O LORD: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, I am humbled and thankful to be one of Your adopted children. May I ever praise Your holy name! Humble me when I obey Your Word, discipline me when I go astray!
In Christ’s holy name I pray!