by Dr. Frank Walker
“ALMIGHTY LORD and sovereign ruler of all nations, who dost from thy throne behold all dwellers upon earth and so governeth the kings of the world that they inescapably do thy will; grant us, the American people, not the President we deserve, who hast waged war against thee and thy Son by condoning the reckless murder of unborn children and failing to recognize thy creation of all men as male and female, and in many other ways callest evil good, and good evil; and in all these things increaseth thy just judgment against us. But by thy mercy, grant us the President we need, who, though beset with sin as all men are, nevertheless seeketh to establish laws more in accord with thy holy Word, that righteousness might once again exalt our nation and people.
And if this be not thy will, we beg thee to so control the hearts of our national leaders that they, contrary to their own desires, might obey thy commandments, which alone are good and right. Replenish them with thy grace and Spirit; regenerate them and give them a true sense of their humility before thee. All this we ask knowing that thy purpose in all things is to advance the kingdom of thy dear Son, to whom thou hast given all authority and promised the nations of the world. Hear our prayer, which we now make in the name of the King of all kings, who, with the Father and Spirit, reigneth eternally as one blessed God. Amen.”