My Father and My God,
You are the Creator of the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that in them is! But I am dust of the earth, a creature of Your hand, a finite, fragile, sinful, and weak being. As David (Psalm 22:6) and Job (Job 25:6) both said, “But I am a worm, and no man!” O Lord, You alone are sovereign over all things in heaven, on earth, the sea, and under the earth! I bow to Your infinite and eternal sovereignty and majesty! You alone are God! You are holy, I am sinful! You are all-mighty, I am weak! You are omniscient, I am foolish and ignorant! You are the God of Truth, I am a liar, more vain than vanity itself, one who daily falls short of reflecting Your honor and glory! Forgive me, O my God!
Father, Son, Holy Spirit: You are the God of infinite and eternal love, grace, and mercy, and at the same time You are infinitely and eternally holy, righteous, and just! You redeem those whom You will to display your grace and mercy, and You punish those whom You will to display your holiness and justice! Of myself, I deserve Your punishment, both temporal and eternal, because I have broken all Your holy commandments. I have earned Your punishment as the wages of my sins! But in a holy wonder, You granted me, one utterly unworthy of the least of Your blessings and Truth, You granted me grace and mercy in Christ!
Lord Jesus, You were punished in my place! The inexpressible anguish, pains, and terrors of Hell fell on You in my stead! Yet I sinned! I broke all Your commandments! I am deserving of God’s holy wrath! But You, Lord Jesus, are the sinless Son of God, the Lamb without blemish, the spotless One, yet You took my place and were punished for me and because of me! YOU CAME TO REDEEM ME! A CORRUPT AND DEFILED BEING! AMAZING GRACE! HOW SWEET THE SOUND! THAT SAVED A WRETCH LIKE ME!
But for the praise of the glory of Your grace (Eph. 1:6) and for Your own eternal purposes (Eph. 1:11), which are unknown to me, Heavenly Father, You gave me to Christ and Christ to me! I am speechless! I am humbled to the dust! You imputed Christ’s righteousness to me! I am overwhelmed by Your amazing grace! It’s hard to find the words! You removed the guilt and consequences of my sins and have declared me righteous in Christ. I am positionally righteous in Jesus but practically I sin in thought, word, and deed in my daily living! Nevertheless, You call me a saint in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1; Col. 1:2; Rom. 1:7), a child of God (Rom. 8:16; 1 John 3:1, 3:10; 5:2). “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God” (1 John 3:1). Forgive me, O Father! To You I cry! In You, Lord Jesus, I seek refuge and forgiveness!
Holy Spirit, I am easily led astray by remaining, indwelling sin; keep me from sinning against You! Cause me to walk in truth and holiness! Cause me to walk in love, kindness, and truth! Revive me! Shake me out of spiritual lethargy! Grant me a holy zeal for Your glory, honor, and praise! Keep me from wandering, O Lord I feel it, keep me from walking away from the God I love! Holy Spirit, correct me, discipline me when I sin, and humble me when I obey knowing it’s You who strengthens me by Your power and Word!
O LORD, I love You! Increase my love for You: Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Cause me to glorify You in all my actions and motions, thoughts and intents, and use me up, Lord Jesus, for Your glory and service! I belong to You, both body and soul! Here I am, Lord, send me!
In Jesus’ name!