My Father and my God,

Thank You, Father, for Your forgiveness.
Thank You that when I confess my sins to You that You are faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from unrighteousness.
Thank You for Your kindness, mercy, grace, love, and compassion to such a sinful, ignorant, weak, feeble, frail, fragile one such as I.
Father, I love You! You have implanted Your love in my heart.
But my love for You and for others is not what it ought to be. I confess this and ask for Your forgiveness!
I know that I have not loved You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Nor have I loved my neighbor as myself!
I fail miserably every day to love You with my whole heart!
I have sinful thoughts, words, and actions that I daily struggle against.
And even my best works in this life are all imperfect and defiled with sin.
But praise Jesus that He never failed to love You with His whole heart, soul, mind, and strength on my behalf and that of all His sheep.
Praise Jesus that He perfectly loved His neighbor as Himself in my place and on my behalf!
What Amazing grace of Jesus that saved a wretch like me! For I once was lost but now I’m found, I was blind but now I see!

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for saving me from sin, Satan, death, Hell, and the wrath of God.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for living and dying in my place that I might have everlasting life.
Thank You for fulfilling the Covenant of Works in my place.
Thank You for dying on the cross to satisfy the justice of God against all my sins: past, present, and future.
Thank You for turning away God’s wrath from me by absorbing it all in your body and soul!
Thank You for imputing Your righteousness, holiness, and perfect satisfaction to my account!
Thank You for making me favorable in God’s sight and causing me to be acceptable to God because of Your life and death!
Thank You for living and dying for me that I may have life everlasting.

Holy Spirit, I need Your constant forgiveness as I have not reflected Your glory as I ought!
I need Your continual abiding presence and Your face shining upon me lest I slip into despair, discouragement, or depression!
I need Your power to strengthen me against Satan’s devices and the fleshly temptations that daily assault me.
As the hymn writer, Robert Lowry, wrote, “I need Thee ev’ry hour, Stay Thou nearby; Temptations lose their pow’r, When Thou art nigh. I need Thee, Oh, I need Thee; Ev’ry hour I need Thee; Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee.”
Revive me again, O Holy Spirit, to serve You with zeal and vigor!
Grant me Your power to serve You in truth, spirit, gladness, and courage.

I ask all this in Jesus’ name!