HEAVENLY FATHER, thank you for loving me, forgiving me, providing for me, reconciling me, and redeeming me by the work of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Jesus to do what I am unable to do; to obey you perfectly. Even as a believer, I fall woefully short of reflecting Your honor and glory! Knowing that You have redeemed me and daily preserve me by Your grace in Christ, may I faithfully sing, “To God Be The Glory, Great Things He Has Done!” To You, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be all the glory, honor, praise, and thanksgiving!! May this be a reality in my life and that of every believer so that Christ might be exalted in the Church! And may all the redeemed of Jesus Christ faithfully sing, “Let us wonder grace and justice, Join and point to mercy’s store; When through grace in Christ our trust is, Justice smiles and asks no more! He Who washed us with His blood, Has secured our way to God!”
LORD JESUS, bless me to reflect upon Your atonement: the inexpressible anguish, pains, and terrors that You suffered in my place on the cross and before so that I might have abundant life in this fallen world and eternal life hereafter! Lord Jesus, cause me to always remember that You fulfilled all the Laws demands for my righteous standing before the judgment throne of God, and You absorbed the wrath of God against my sins! As the hymn writer wrote, “He has hushed the law’s loud thunder, He has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame.” Bless me to proclaim the Gospel to myself every moment of every day so that I am never led astray by the remaining corruption in my heart and the deception of Satan, since I recognize that I am “prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love; here’s my heart, O take and seal it; seal it for thy courts above.”
HOLY SPIRIT, fill my soul with Your presence today as I hear Your Word and bow my knees in prayer and praise to my sovereign God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Prepare my heart to worship in Spirit and Truth on this Lord’s Day with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, prayer, confession, obedience, reverence, and adoration! May my heart be flooded with wonder, love, and praise as I commune with God Almighty and members of the body of Christ! By Your power and Word, sweet Holy Spirit, cause me to fight off anxiety, discouragement, depression, and temptation! I am so spiritually weak, feeble, and sinful, and I feel my ignorance and sinfulness every day! Strengthen me according to Your Word and power for Your service! Cause me to shine as a light in Christ. Make me walk as salt of the earth in Christ. Grant me a greater measure of the mind of Christ so that I might consistently think Christ’s thoughts after Him. Cause me to keep my eyes focused upon Jesus (Heb. 12:3) so I do not grow weary or discouraged in this fallen, sin-cursed world!
All this I ask in Jesus’ Name!